So my son Alex is 20 tomorrow. He left home a couple of years ago and we were all a little worried about him. He lost his mother when he was 15, and he has an alcoholic father. Though he never experienced active alcoholism, I have always told him to be aware that he may be predisposed towards alcoholism. I heard through his friends that some substance experimentation was going on so I talked to him about that, about where that path leads and some of the milestones he would pass on the way. I figured each milestone he passed would remind him to ask for help - but I told him it's his life now, I can't live it for him.
Alex is a great guy, a nice young man, outgoing and popular, absolutely nothing like I was at his age. But he has been a bit off, lacking direction as teenagers are wont to do, at least until recently.
A few weeks back he landed a job in his chosen field (cookery) so my partner Jane and I dropped in last night to see him in action. What an absolutely delightful surprise! Alex was clean (as in washed), well presented, energetic, focussed,working hard, happy, and obviously well like by his work mates. It was just brilliant to see the old smiley happy Alex back. I pray that he is past his grief and clear of the teenage traps and that his happy new life continues. And I thank God for taking care of him, and bringing even more joy into my life.
This is "gift" share for me as I continue to co-habit a life with adult children from the addiction past. I was thinking of my eldest son today and during the week...46 years old, a former user and drinker and, In my mind and understanding only...I don't know what God thinks on this, so in need of what we have. I've shared and let go and the letting go seems most important.
Happy for you and your Son Fyne...enjoy the miracle. (((hugs)))