Finance is the hold up plus waiting for acknowledgement from the planning authority that a change of use would be permitted. Won't know that for another two weeks or so. However I have decided that I'll be moving up North in the spring. There are some stunning rental properties around in the areas I want to be, so why not rent until I find summat I like / can afford etc. the planned move works well with work, they can't wait for me to relocate and I'm in the middle of workload and resource planning to take account of the impending move. Sorry i've not been writing of late, but I've been watching. Seriously short of leisure time as of course, work has gone ballistic. A temporary hump I'm sure. Other than that, life plods along at it's normal pace. Sometimes easy sometimes difficult. There's been some upsetting news on the personal front where my initial reaction took me massively by surprise - my soon to be ex wife is having a biopsy - I was really panicy and upset and here's me thinking i didn't give two hoots for her - my son and daughter think I'm the biggest bastard that walked the earth as Eileen is going through this without me holding her hand? (well they could perform that function and Eileen hasn't asked for my help) - but anyway I'm calm now as over here if they need to do anything serious medical, they don't hang about, but if it's just a low risk abnormality, they take their time. As they are taking their time, then this must be low risk. Now, must crack on as I've got a 300 mile round trip to box off today and see my physio in 9 hours.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Thanks for the update Bill. I think the reason I like your posts so much is because there is rarely a complaint without a plan to fix the complaint. That is very motivating. Your planning sounds great. Prayers to your soon to be ex and to you for strength. Tom
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."
Thanks for the update Bill. I think the reason I like your posts so much is because there is rarely a complaint without a plan to fix the complaint. That is very motivating. Your planning sounds great. Prayers to your soon to be ex and to you for strength. Tom prayers go out to your ex-wife. Have a great day Bill...
Thanks Tom. I have the problems but try to find the solution to share as well. now must crack on as I've been lent 20 000 man hours of resource to complete a project (16 blokes for 2 months) and I'm welcoming them onto the team and training them (remotely) in an hour and a half from now. Ain't technology wunnerful, who'd a thought we could be training people scattered all over the country without meeting up? Who'd a thought I could be messaging people half the world away?
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB