This 23 years of sobriety is dedicated to all my AA friends from all over the world. You have been my strength and support. Even if you were 1 hour sober, you have left a mark in my life.
The love of AA and alcoholics for one another, is one of the most powerful things I have ever experienced in my life. It is about one sick alcoholic caring for another sick alcoholic, in a way which surpasses human understanding. This world system is always demanding repayment, but AA never demands anything at all from us. It is humanity at it's best in all the fineness that God has ever granted to us.
We share our experience, strength and hope. If we really think about it, that's actually everything that an individual has. We give it away freely, in a way that no one has ever been able to reproduce. It is love at it's finest. It is love as described in 1corinthians13 in the bible.
Thank you Gonee,for being part of my life,truly a blessing and it is through God's grace and mercy that we are here to celebrate anything.Congratulations((((((23)))))) on your persistence and endurance(we run the race with endurance)and your unrelentless giving back what you were so freely given. I will lift you up especially this morning in my daily office of prayer.
Show me your faith faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by what I do...JAMES
Have a blessed and productive day! I will celebrate with you in my heart!!!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Wow! What a great news report! By the Grace of God and a bit of cooperation on our part we get to experience a miracle every day that we as alcoholics don't take a drink, and share the joy of it with others.
Gonee, thank you for your sobriety & the message of recovery that you are. You bring so much love & light to our board & I marvel in the example of you the best our program has to offer. You are strong, steadfast & faithful in your love & dependence on the God of your own understanding.
I understand your God too & I love how you put His works into your life. You are proof of His will in our world & I am proud of you for that & your efforts. You are always with a good & pure heart. I see your sincerity, your care, your integrity & willingness. Your forthright ability to put all your given gifts into action.
Thank you for being here & carrying this message from your own country. God bless you. Thank you for giving back 23 years of life, energy & contribution to AA. May it carry with you to the everafter whenever we get there 1Day@aTime ;) Recovery love & fellowship, your sister, Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!
Hi Kid47, the chips are available for all years of sobriety, how much they cost I really can't say as I don't know off the top of my head, but I can find out. What year or years would you be interested in?
Congradulations Gonee. I hope you keep hanging around and sharing that recovery with us. You gotta stick around. You can share 23 years all in one day. (((hugs)))
Congrats to my Brother Gonee! I am envious of your quality of sobriety. You lead by example and contribute so much to other's recovery. Thanks for all that you contribute here.
By the grace of God, AA and You!! Another miracle has happened. 23 years well done.
A simple program. AA helps you connect with God and then and you have to be willing to follow the suggested program and Gods will. Obviously you have and in so doing you become an inspiration to others.
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart