"It's better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers." --James Thurber
"I believe the purpose of my life is to learn, grow, and be the best possible person I can be," said a group member. "In order to do that, I must ask big questions of myself and God. I ask questions like What's love? What's my life's work? What's the best way to deal with this problem? How can I best plan for the future? Who and What is God? What constitutes an ideal friendship or marriage? What is the purpose of life? and What's preventing me from reaching my goal?'
"To me, asking big questions makes life an exciting adventure. I look upon everyone and everything as a partial answer to a larger question. Life is never boring to me. Or lonely. I treasure every experience as a means of expanding my knowledge and understanding."
Today I will have more questions than answers. I will ask big questions of God and myself. I will search for, and be receptive to, the answers to my questions in my daily experiences and endeavors.
James T...never met him in recovery until now and he sounds just like an elder sponor of mine. What he said works wonders. We learn from listening and practicing.
I'm not sure if this quote is even true. If you know some of the questions it doesnt say you know the answers. If you know the answers you can probably figure out the questions too. :?