Yup, did you wake up today, granted another blessed day of life ,lucid ,aware and ready to partiipate in "life" as an active member of society! OR did you 'come to' once again,take bearings on where you are ,twitchin like your getting electric shock,wanna drink and thought of food is nauseating? We have choices, but it has to start with 'EMOTIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF UTTER DEFEAT, surrender and a willingness to do "whatever it takes to put the demon away.Then the work begins!! Today,you can show up at a meeting,let people know whats going on and you need help,follow suggestions,and keep showing up.You can be guided from there about sponsorship,spiritual principles,meetings,suggestions and directions BUT abstinence must come first..Would you like to have a coffee and maybe some kind of breakfast when your eyes open or "the hair of the dog that bit you last night?? Hope to see ya here and then there. There truly is a "new way to live" a day at a time,becoming happy ,joyous and free. No that does not mean it ain't gonna rain no more, what it means is you'll learn where the umbrella is when it does. No magic bullet here,just some honesty,openmindedness and willingness to arrest the beast and start "living" This thing is real,a God given process that starts the healing with our 1st Step"WE admitted we were powerless over alcohol,our lives had become unmanageable".If this rings a bell,the door is open ,We are here, no Big I's or little U's ,just one sick individual trying to help another in a loving and caring manner....Make today Day 1, (Be all the God of your understanding ,and that includes no God at all)has intended you to be(a process of coming to believe)and help the person next to you want to "have breakfast "also...Have a blessed and productive day!....C U guys later,gotta get something for my kit,new set Roto-Toms,,a nasty 15 inch crash ,oh man .so blessed to be shopping instead of coppin......
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.