First of all, please do not post a bunch of Happy B-days.....NOT NECESSARY. The reason I am saying it to myself is just to publically acknowledge my gratitude for still being here on earth, despite rather too many external and internal potential final exits.
Second, I must publically acknowledge my gratitude for still being clean and sober for an impressive number of B-days now, one day at a time. I owe it all to AA, NA, and God as I understand Him (which is actually not anthropomorphically).
Third, I must publically acknowledge my gratitude for the people I was formerly estranged from who have voluntarily returned to my life, apparently having forgiven the wreckage of the past, and infuse me with the joy of loving and being loved.
Fourth, I thank everyone on the board for being here, 24/7.
:) L8TR
PS Resist tempation (see beginning text! ) I KNOW I am wished a HBD, and now that I am a mind-boggling 64,I'd just as soon just express my gratitude, leave it at that, and move on!!!
Lee I aint gonna say it as you request,but I am truly grateful to have you as part of my support group and sharing your ESH with not only me but us all...I know awww shucks!!! Only in recovery we find 'lost dreams awaken and new possibilities arise" I share this day with you in my heart,I too am so grateful
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Lee I aint gonna say it as you request,but I am truly grateful to have you as part of my support group and sharing your ESH with not only me but us all...I know awww shucks!!! Only in recovery we find 'lost dreams awaken and new possibilities arise" I share this day with you in my heart,I too am so grateful
Ditto...Gratitude is not just an attitude but more importantly an action word. Leeu, you've exemplified a strong sense of gratitude for some time now and for that we say "Thank You". I hope you continue to enjoy the fruits of this wonderful sober life for many birthdays to come.
Welp, I figure if I wish you a happy 65th birthday, I am wishing you a year of wellness for the forthcoming year ahead, which allows me to honor your request to not wish you a happy 64th birthday! :) So... happy 65th in advance! LOL
You are a blessing to us here at MIP, and I am sure you are a blessing to many more around you. Just keep doing what you do, which is being the very best you, and this will be a good year ahead.