Happy 4th of July ALL... thanks for welcoming me to the boards. I'm Allen and I am a grateful recovering Alcoholic. I'm 29 and I live in Austin,TX. The life I know best is over... thank god! There are a boatload of challenges these days but, I'm beginning to understand that those challenges have always been there. When I was drinking I ultimately destroyed my ability to manage my way through those challenges. I was morally, spiritually, physically and financially bankrupt! Today I have a purpose... to remain independant of alcohol and help others to do the same.
in working the 12 steps I can slowly but, surely repair the broken parts of my life. that is a courageous act... so, if I act in accordance with these principals, to the best of my ability, I am automatically a courageous man... and that is way better than the man that I had become in my drinking. I'm doing my best to remain teachable and share what I've learned. love and respect to all. please feel free to subscribe to my recovery blog and contribute any stories, shares, meditations, prayers, etc.
I'm looking forward to being a part of the fellowship here!
I feel you brother... I'm not in the softest place right now either. I am positive (and grateful) that I do not want to drink today but, everything else in my life is totally screwed up. I'm here if you need to talk brother... we can share what we know and try to get better... one day at a time.