We alcoholics in AA are very fortunate to have a book that gives very plain but clearcut instructions.
The very 1st instruction given to me on my daily program is this statement on Pg 86 of the book:
"On awakening let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead."
That takes all the stress and worry and anxiety out of my life.
Can I live for 24 hrs?
Can I find food for 24 hrs?
Can I stay sober for 24 hrs?
Can I deal with health problems for 24 hrs?
Can I deal with relationship problems for 24 hrs?
Most importantly can I focus on a program for 24 hrs?
We can add any question to this and deal with it as best as our human resources can and those things that become overwhelming we take to God as we best understand God in our own individual ways.
My eyes open to the grace of God's mercy and I immediately focus on our 3rd and 11th step. By the time my feet hit the floor, I have put on some armor....look out life Im comin to get ya!!! Truly grateful!!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.