Such is the paradox of A.A. regeneration: strength arising out of complete defeat and weakness, the loss of ones old life as a condition for finding a new one. A.A. COMES OF AGE, p. 46
A thousand beatings by John Barleycorn did not encourage me to admit defeat. I believed it was my moral obligation to conquer my enemy-friend. At my first A.A. meeting I was blessed with a feeling that it was all right to admit defeat to a disease which had nothing to do with my moral fiber. I knew instinctively that I was in the presence of a great love when I entered the doors of A.A. With no effort on my part, I became aware that to love myself was good and right, as God had intended. My feelings set me free, where my thoughts had held me in bondage. I am grateful.
A.A. Thought for the Day
We have this choice every day of our lives. We can take the path that leads to insanity and death (and remember, our next drunk could be our last one). Or we can take the path that leads to a reasonably happy and useful life. The choice is ours each day of our lives. God grant that we take the right path. Have I made my choice today?
Meditation for the Day
Your real work in life is to grow spiritually. To do this you must follow the path of diligently seeking good. The hidden spiritual wonders are revealed to those who diligently seek this treasure. From one point to the next, you have to follow the way of obedience to God's will until finally you reach greater and greater spiritual heights. Work on the material plane should be secondary to your real life's work. The material things that you need most are those that help you to attain the spiritual.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may keep growing spiritually. I pray that I may make this my real life's work.