I'm in another city 120 miles from home. Went to a ,meeting last night and met a lad from sheffield (just down the road from home) another man whois relocating to another city where a friend of mine lives, so I could pass his details on, same guy got the job through someone he met on a ferry, also in a room of 30 people there were two I'd met before.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
It certainly is a fellowship...worldwide at that. Hmmm odds are better than good I'd say Bill. They mighta thought and felt the same after seeing you there.
That's exactly what it's about, coincidence or not. It's seems almost shocking that these coincidences are happening just beneath our noses. Odd doesn't come to mind, does it?
I've always wondered how sustainable sobriety is flying solo rather than in Unisom. Lately, I've felt a little bit intrigued by it all, so perhaps it is another opportunity to practice my ego deflation, once again. Whether it's meetings or more meetings, coincidence or not, I'm still sober -thank God. It'll still be a question of how coincidental it all is, regardless. So, I'll remain sober as I ponder the coincidences of life. Thanks...be to God and AA, one day at a time.
~God bless~
-- Edited by Mr_David on Wednesday 15th of June 2011 02:20:11 AM
I have one that was the biggest one I have ever expierienced.
Many years ago I was moving from one end of Marin County to the Southern end, and decided to Use the Alano Club that had the reputation of being on the "rough" side but I decided to use that club till I found some good meeting in the Southern Part.
Well I absolutely Fell in Love with this club, and drove there only, made it my home group, went to at least 5 or 7 meetings a week there, I loved the energy, and so many new people all the time, making it so lively and so diverse.
Sadly one day, I ran into a woman that lived right by me and she said, "Did you hear that the Alano Club burned to the ground last night?" I was so crushed and sadened, I drove there to see, yep, burnt to the ground from a cigarette that someone had left on the back porch.....then drove home, had to go out and do some errands, and so I went out to get these things done, shopping, pharmacy, the usual stuff that we do when we do our errands, this amazing thing happened at least it was to me........I ran into no less that 15 people from the Alano Club, told them all and we shared about the tragic fire.
When I was out and about it was usually maybe l person, but rarly ever even 2. Seemed like the Only people I did run into that day were ALL from those meetings....I smiled inside and said to my HP, whom I always choose to called GOD, Ok Happy to be the Messager for YOU.
Then in about a Year or so it re-opened, with many, me included doing some of the work that was needed, and was so happy to be one of the Ones that took on the Decorating....
Funny, after it had burned to the ground from a cigarette, they Put a Big sign on the back porch, If your smoking out here, only use the coffee cans that are full of water, and put your cigarette butts in the water when you are done....and Close the sliding glass door so that the smoke does not get into the Meeting, if there is a meeting going on!
I use to chuckle at that sign....guess we are known for being pretty slow leaners.....