So i've had my return to work meeting with my boss and have a phased return to work over 4 weeks with a defined workload. Back in the saddle on Friday at last and see how it goes.
the Annual Performance review wasn't so good. Marked as Achieves standards. This after 3 quarterly reviews of consistently Very Good performance, apparantly my unwillingness to continue working 14 hour days, to take on and rescue failing projects, to allow others to fail all count against me. Not balanced out by an Everest like learning curve, two further major projects resolved, training others. Y'know what, you're only as good as your last failure.
Still, I've had a month off on full pay, still got a well paid job, still got a company provided car, don't have a hungry bear on my back and my arse isn't on fire.
And I'm still sober!
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Great attitude Bill. Its really too bad you set such a high standard for so long because now they are bitter when you do work at a normal level like the others whose slack you have pulled for so long. Hang in there my friend!
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."
Great attitude Bill. Its really too bad you set such a high standard for so long because now they are bitter when you do work at a normal level like the others whose slack you have pulled for so long. Hang in there my friend!
I'd add to this that over acheivinq is losinq it's apeal to you, which is a qood thinq. Settinq healthy boudaries for work (40-50 hours a week) is a qood thinq. Fiqurinq out how to have more of a life with the additional time, that you'll have, is the chanllenqe.
-- Edited by StPeteDean on Thursday 19th of May 2011 04:25:23 AM