I gotta say I miss the contact with my wife. Although the relationship was sick for so long, wasn't going anywhere and was overdue to end, I still miss the contact. Which is very different from actually missing someone. I barely give her a passing thought these days.
There is someone else who I miss desperately. We cannot be in each others company, cannot make contact with each other, for reasons not for this board. One of her favourite sayings was never give up on a good thing you can't go a day without thinking about. And I haven't gone a day without thinking, actively thinking, about her since we spilt up.
Sometimes, especially to begin with it was a source of almost unbearable pain. Now it's with a smile, it's kinda comforting. I remember so much about her. Her beautiful eyes, her soft skin, the stretch marks on her belly (!), the shape of her calf muscles when she walked, the way she slowly smiled, the way she smelt, the cut of her hair, the throaty chuckle, the belly laugh, the giggle, the way she'd relax, the shape of her nails and fingers, the quick wit, the trust she showed in me, the honesty she gave to me (which grew all the time), the sureness of her faith, her willingness to see the best in people and to forgive, the way her face looked when she was sad or frightened or puzzled or amused, the pride and joy she took in her kids, the way she ate, always starting in a rush to choke it down as quick as possible, then the sudden slow down, no need to rush.
Hey, it makes me smile and makes the separation that little bit easier, day by day.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Making 9th step amends with my 2nd wife we both came to the conclusion that is wasn't meant to be.I told her she was a blessed mother to our mid 40 year old children and that we are both right where we are supposed to be now.In relationships, there are many times, a hurter and a hurtee. In this one I was the hurtee.You could have said anything to me about my behaviors but saying you no longer loved me,was not possible! Oh yes it was! It took much time .especially since I remained active for almost 10 years after my first divorce, to take hold of the pain,release it to God and move forward in God's plan for me, I just had to remain receptive.I am who I am today because of who I was back then. The Youngblood's said it well!"the road is long ,with many a winding turn"I can feel your heart Bill,you paint a wonderful picture of acceptance and an ability to carry on..I TRULY BELIEVE GOD'S WILL FOR US IS THE ABILITY TO LIVE WITH DIGNITY,TO LOVE OURSELVES AND OTHERS,TO LAUGH AND TO FIND GREAT BEAUTY IN OUR SURROUNDINGS. Our 11th step tells us that by seeking our own will, so limitied , only deprives us of God's will .Ours is like a fleeting glance ,like a crack twitch or a lustfull glance,a stuporing moment, but with God 'ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!Just for Today revel in those thoughts of love, like God's great beauty in our hearts and spirits............
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
The first new woman after being married to the same one for 30 some years is going to be great no matter what. Now go on lots of dates. Join Eharmony or something. Don't pine over this 1 woman even if she was a large part of the impetus to move forward in your life. Get busy living! You are single for God's sake...take advantage of it.
There is not just 1 other woman out there you can be happy with....there are several. Plus as you grow and change the type of woman that complements you will change too. This is all for you to figure out just as you figured out how to stay sober. A new lesson. Don't be afraid.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Permit me a wry smile here - I don't go out looking and don't do dating sites - if someone walks round the corner, they walk round the corner, if they don't, they don't.
And what's more, I'm taking my own advice, no relationships for a 6 month, too much on my plate. As for pining, that phase has gone, this is remembering.
pinkchip wrote:
The first new woman after being married to the same one for 30 some years is going to be great no matter what. Now go on lots of dates. Join Eharmony or something. Don't pine over this 1 woman even if she was a large part of the impetus to move forward in your life. Get busy living! You are single for God's sake...take advantage of it.
There is not just 1 other woman out there you can be happy with....there are several. Plus as you grow and change the type of woman that complements you will change too. This is all for you to figure out just as you figured out how to stay sober. A new lesson. Don't be afraid.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Just want you to be happy Bill. Much of sobriety is about doing things you are uncomfortable with to yield different results. I didn't say anything about relationships either....I said go on dates. Maybe not feasible for you yet with those divorce laws you stated in UK...
While I know that your view of yourself should not depend on others, I do think when you open yourself up to dating more women, your will find out that the last girlfriend was not your last hope of being happy again...you will find out that lots of women are probably interested. You will be able to test the waters and learn more about what you like and don't like. It will be a new freedom. Some people put doing that off forever because they are scared. Some people leap into new relationships too quickly cuz they are scared also. I hope you find a good balance cuz you have a lot to offer.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Mark, I appreciate what you're saying, but I know myself as far as this, I have a terrible habit of projecting and going at 300 miles an hour. I have a history of accepting the crumbs from the table and staying in relationships long after they should have gone.
Yeah, maybe dating would be a good idea, but not right now. I think I need to be i an emotionally better place before I risk trying the dating game. Talked to a friend today who made the parallel that anorexics are food junkies and maybe, just maybe, I'm relationally anorexic (well he said sexually anorexic, I ws trying to be polite).
In the past 37 years I've had a sum total of, wait for it, 5 girlfriends, 3 who dumped me, the 4th I married and the 5th was pretty short lived and recent.
So experience I have none. However I also have high expectations - but I'm so vulnerable at the moment that I am in no fit condition to risk dating because I fear I'll launch straight into another doomed romance and will end up just taking the crumbs from the table and dammit, I'm worth more than that.
Anyway, Jools Holland is on in a bit and features the one and only SeaSick Steve, so, one more post about today and I'm gone.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB