It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got.BB
When all else fails - RTFM
Identification with another=pain shared is pain lessened!!! Feel the laughter Bill!!!
Nice Bill! Together through sharing you each helped each other with your E,S & H. A problem can be divided and lessened by sharing it with others. Nice lesson to read about today. Thank you.
bikerbill wrote:we will see how our experience can benefit others........So I had a call from a buddy last night who has had to end a relationship he'd been in for two years.........Like me he was heartsore and in tears........We shared the experience, we knew each other's hurt....We were laughing with each other within thirty minutes......
we will see how our experience can benefit others........So I had a call from a buddy last night who has had to end a relationship he'd been in for two years.........Like me he was heartsore and in tears........We shared the experience, we knew each other's hurt....We were laughing with each other within thirty minutes......
mikef wrote: both of you. Thanks...