A friend and co-worker is going through some really hard times right now and could really use your prayers. There's a nasty divorce in her future due to a husband that went back out a few months ago. She's probably going to loose everything and feels she has no where to turn. I've experienced what the power of prayer can do, and trust that God can and will do the same for her. Thank you all!
Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing. Everything is simply, transformed. :confuse:
Prayers on the way and it's good she's got you and your program to support her. Show her where the hotline number is in the white pages of the telephone book for the Al-Anon Family Groups and tell her to call...that's a God thing; was for me. Also MIP has an Al-Anon Form so she can come online in the meantime and listen and learn here too. Serenity Prayer is going out....Good 12th!!
Thank you all so much. Things are looking much better for her, and she's starting to see that none of this is her fault. I mentioned my request here to her, and she wanted me to extend her sincere thank's for your prayers. It's amazing what a little prayer can do!
Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing. Everything is simply, transformed. :confuse: