Check out my new video if you want! Subscribe if you want to. Keep active and follow your dreams!
A friend of mind sends me the AA thought of the day every day and there was a quote in it that says Don't Smother each other. You don't grow in the shade.
That quote is so true. You need to be your ownself before you can be in a relationship with another person. I found this out the hard way by getting into a relationship and losing myself and becoming completely dependent on another person and then dependent on alcohol. Learn to be yourself and love yourself : D! Have a good day! Be happy to be alive!
I appreciate your creativity and trying to express yourself, but I must say a few months ago your video would have caused me a huge resentment. Thanks to my HP I now have a newfound sense of serenity and acceptance. I am the mother of an autistic child, actually a young man about the age of "Neighbor Billy". Autism is not a choice one makes. You did however get the part right about things getting mixed up in their heads before it comes back out. Good luck on your creative ventures and your recovery journey. Try a bit more patience with "Neighbor Billy". Peace
I asked God for all things that I may enjoy life. He gave me life so that I may enjoy all things.
I appreciate your creativity and trying to express yourself, but I must say a few months ago your video would have caused me a huge resentment. Thanks to my HP I now have a newfound sense of serenity and acceptance. I am the mother of an autistic child, actually a young man about the age of "Neighbor Billy". Autism is not a choice one makes. You did however get the part right about things getting mixed up in their heads before it comes back out. Good luck on your creative ventures and your recovery journey. Try a bit more patience with "Neighbor Billy". Peace
I appreciate this nezyb, and I'm glad I read the thread all the way through before I clicked the link. I am a father of an autistic child. I didn't watch the video, and have no intention of doing so. I fear I'm not quite at that level of "total acceptance" quite yet. I tire of having to go to school to deal with the meetings we have with the parents and kids who bully her because she's different. It breaks my heart that in this day and age, people haven't learned to treat people with disabilities the same as anyone else. IMO, it's all an ego thing. I'm as guilty of "comparing" myself to others who aren't as fortunate as I am as the next guy, but all I can do is pray about it and try to remain humble. One of the things I believe to be true today is that everything is either a lesson or a blessing. I can't find a blessing in this one, but I learned a valuable lesson in humility tonight.
Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing. Everything is simply, transformed. :confuse: