Our inner dragons of fear can keep us from having meaningful relationships. These fears can make us run from love and intimacy and hide from the very things we say we most want. Fear and relationships do not belong together.
The people who have great amounts of fear waste a lot of energy. They repeat the same mistakes over and over, and tend to see the world in black and white terms. They will see themselves as perfect or they will see themselves as worthless.
The fearful person moves away from their core self, living life in numbness. They let other people dictate their life roles, and carry great despair in the center of their being. They are only half-alive.
The type of person who has the fear pattern of aggression does not trust people and protects themselves by attacking first, before others can attack them. This type of person can lead a lonely life. When you are detached and aloof because of your vulnerability and fear of getting hurt, you can feel pretty lonely. You also distance relationships when you judge and criticize others.
Another type of inner fear pattern makes you act impatiently and intolerantly with others. In this way, you will quickly alienate and irritate other people.
It is fear that keeps us from leading meaningful and fulfilling lives, so the main work in our lives is confronting these fears and releasing and healing them.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..