I apologize to Maire Rua for the grave error I made. I don't know WTF was up but I totally had her confused with another person and just assumed it was her. Plus the thing about the sponsor was the same basic share from the person I had her confused with....
Anyhow, I wish I did not have to learn to be more sensitive and cautious through making mistakes like this and hurting other's feelings. The quality of this board is great. It doesn't belong to me or anyone else but to all of us. I won't be calling anyone else out on here again cuz clearly I don't have my facts right and it's just the wrong thing to do anyhow. What kind of ESH am I showing by being mean and challenging? Sometimes I do things and then wonder what the hell happened and why I did that. I thought that was over when I stopped drinking. Dunno.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I love AA, I never knew of amends until I crawled into AA. I don't care what anyone did... if there is awareness and an amends... I get goosebumps because Spirit is so clearly at work. I come from a long history of pride... no one, including me, ever apologized. Ever.
((pinkchip)) ((marie rua))
My current sponsor insists there are no "mistakes" but "lessons." All parties participate in an opportunity for a greater purpose. Lately, I keep hearing that events are not personal....
I'm sittin' here in wonder and gratitude.....
-- Edited by gladlee on Friday 29th of April 2011 11:26:08 AM
To leave pinkchip out in the wind over this alone would be wrong. I was the one who referenced the share Pinkchip was talking about in the other thread. Without my mentioning it again it would not have become and issue all over again and also I was feeling agitated over facing some other truths about myself I found revealing and embarressing and as a way of dealing with that I knowingly judged somebody else so I could feel superior. Even if the statement had been true which we now know its not, God has given us all free will and I have zero right to make any comment on anyones and I stand beside pink in asking for forgiveness yet again this week.
Aww Jamie....I just want to hug you. lol you have had a hard week......your doing great and you are helping alot of people with your growth. Thank you. It just keeps getting better this growning thing.
I apologize to Maire Rua for the grave error I made. I don't know WTF was up but I totally had her confused with another person and just assumed it was her. Plus the thing about the sponsor was the same basic share from the person I had her confused with....
Anyhow, I wish I did not have to learn to be more sensitive and cautious through making mistakes like this and hurting other's feelings. The quality of this board is great. It doesn't belong to me or anyone else but to all of us. I won't be calling anyone else out on here again cuz clearly I don't have my facts right and it's just the wrong thing to do anyhow. What kind of ESH am I showing by being mean and challenging? Sometimes I do things and then wonder what the hell happened and why I did that. I thought that was over when I stopped drinking. Dunno.
Right on brother, sounds like program in action to me. If we aint growin we are goin...
-- Edited by billyjack on Saturday 30th of April 2011 09:39:30 AM
Since it cost a lot to win, and even more to loose, you and me gotta spend some time just wondering what to choose.
I am happy to say I have no clue what any of you are talking about, but I relate to all aspects of what appears to be a simple exercise in being human, all around!
I got tangled up in some unfortunate posting on another board not too long ago, and it is all too easy to do. You can't see facial expression, tone of voice, body language, humor or not etc. etc. The outcome was no fun for anyone, and of course there was a "back story" that, ethically, could not be revealed. I too learned a lesson the hard way...but isn't that part and parcel of what our journey as recovering/recovered people with alcohol problems is all about sometimes?