Wasn't sure how to title my post, but right now my life is feeling like a miracle, so I went with that. I just wanted to thank all who post here for sharing their ESH so that I may benefit. I have recently begun my recovery journey, and with the help of a treatment group, fellowship meetings, reading literature, this forum, and working the 12 steps, I have begun to explore my spirituality and my faith. I have believed all my life that there is a power greater than myself, so the idea itself is no great stretch for me. I have never been able to define that power however, and never took the time to do so. (too busy focusing on other things ) I often wondered what was wrong with me that I could not grasp the idea of "God". Two things I am learning are: 1) My God has to be my God, not yours and 2) that through and with my God, I will be able to learn to live a full and productive life, much better than I ever imagined, free from alcohol and drugs. Thank you for being a part of my miracle. Peace
I asked God for all things that I may enjoy life. He gave me life so that I may enjoy all things.
You're one of God's many miracles and we thank you for sharing that with us. God works in mysterious ways and we are evidence of that, so never give up on yourself or this fellowship -we won't either should you.