This documentary was brought up briefly way back in the threads when it first came out, but I'm wondering if anyone has seen it? I can't find a way to watch it besides paying $30 to buy the DVD, but I was thinking I might do that and then donate it to my local library. It would seem like a good resource to have, if it's worth it.
The trailer is really chilling:
If you haven't heard of it, the filmmaker follows one individual over 15 years, during which time he is arrested more than 450 times as his alcoholism progresses, and he eventually ends up with Korsakoff's Syndrome. Here is a statement from the filmmaker about why he made the film:
Man, I was feeling pretty down and anxious about some work situations today, but I saw that tape, and three words came through my mind: "Cope. With. It." Don't let my mental situation deteriorate to where it becomes unbearable and thus affects my behavior.
Thanks for posting that...
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.