Really dont know why I titled this the way I did, but whatever.
When GOD pulled my up and out of gutter, many years ago, the road has sure been full of the ups and downs in greatful to my HP, that I have lived to expience them all, good and bad.
This current update is neither good nor bad, it is well just what it is. Today I feel so hopeful and positive, had a visit with a Doc that gave me a green light to go forward with the next week's scheduled Laser-Knife some of you know, it was only by chance that a very small tumor was discovered in September, well I waisted 4 months going to what I thought was the state of the Art, and admittedly happy i was very close to where I live, but after endless tests and procedures and finally them telling me at last the truth, about the downside of what their technique would take out of me, I said to my doc here, we need to go to Plan B, which is the one I am about to tell you. This brand new technology for fighting non/small cell carcinomas, as long as they have not spread, can now be cut in two, like cutting an orange in half, and when it is cut in half, it cannot live any longer.....I was told that I did have a problem that needed to get resolved...the tumor that is very small, half the size of a golf ball was dangerously way too close to my heart, .like snuggled up against it, I did that last week, went in for a Brochoscopy, where they inserted 3 little pieces of solid gold into the tumor, so that the radiography, could see them and stay away, they use this in rythym with your breathing, so to make this long story shorter, I was told and could see that all three right where they need to be, next week I begin a 7 day straight, go in, get a Radiation treatment, go home, then repeat for 6 more days, the good news is that there is NO downtime, no burning on the skin, the only side effect is I might be a little more tired than usual.....
So I'm taking really good care of myself, cooking meals that I have in the freezer, so I can relax, eat when I want and just get to bed early......the appts are in the early afternoon, take 30 minutes, and a one hour drive home......
I believe I have lost the fear I had when I did not know what was going to happen......
The doc said yesterday, that I have a great chance of being 100 percent "C" free when I am finished. (Never use that word)
God's Will, not mine be Done. This Program saved my life, and I am so very profoundly GREATFUL!
Thanks...Toni for the update. You're right...God does move in mysterious ways, even in sobriety. We will continue to pray for your safety and well being -as always.
So good to hear Toni, my father recently had a "Big C*" scare (*Colon) but he says he is now C free as well, he says they went in with a laser and rectum
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
Hi Toni, You are in my prayer. Our great Physician Jesus Christ will heal you. He has looked after me and my family for many years now. I know that He also takes care of my MIP friends as well because I have come to love you very much. God bless, Gonee.
iN MY thoughts and prayers Toni! We put our lives in the hands of the Master Surgeon and let the healing be of God's will..Thank you for a positive message of recovery as we will go through the trials of life and know "no matter what" we don't have to use.A wonderful message to take my life into the 'world" today and be of service to God and to my fellow man!Always a blessing to hear from ya!! peace
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Toni, you are amazing, and such an inspiration to me! I am impressed by your strength and faith, and hope that I can ben half the person in good health that you are in the midst of your health challenges. I am praying for you, and so fortunate to have read this today. I was feeling irritable and grouchy, but this post has made me remember to be grateful for my life, my sobriety, my health, my happiness. Peace be with you, heather