At the suggestion of a long-timer in The Program, I began taking "recovery inventories" periodically. The results showed me - clearly and unmistakable - that the promises of The Program have been true for me. I am not the sick person I was in years past; I am no longer bankrupt in all areas; I have a new life and a path to follow, and I'm at peace with myself most of the time. And that's a far way from the time in my life when I dreaded facing each new day. Perhaps we should all write recovery inventories from time to time, showing how The Program is working for each of us. Just for today, will I try to sow faith where there is fear?
Today I Pray
*God, let me compare my new life with the old one - just to see how things have changed for me. May I make progress reports for myself now and then - and for those who are newer to The Program. May these reports be - hearteningly - about "what I am doing" rather than - smugly - about "what I have done."
Today I Will Remember
Has The Program kept its promise? Have I kept mine?
*of my understanding
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *