Seeing the Overeaters Anon is based on the principles of AA, I was wondering would it be ok if I could share on this board about my struggles. I'm not expecting anything really in return. It's just so I have somewhere that I can share. I do have a sponsor, sometimes I just need to feel like I'm being heard.
Kind Regards,
PS I really enjoy this board and I think a lot of all of your shares (Pink Chip, Lin Bada, Jamie etc). There's a lot of sense here.
You are welcome if you have a desire to quit drinking.
To join and be a member of AA
this is not a meeting nor AA, this is an internet forum open to all, AA has a primary purpose, to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety, the MIP internet forum is like the bulleting board outside the meeting, the coffee chat afterwards, in which we would be joined by the NA guys and gals and the alanon guys and gals where I am from, this forum is not a meeting, especially not a "closed" meeting
Tracey, we are looking at our "underlying stuff" behind addiction, behaviors, codependencies etc over at our Coda Board, feel free to pop by there for a visit as well
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
I do pop in to the coda site quite often. I wasn't sure if I could post about this over there or not. The study programs over there look interesting. I'll order the books soon. Is it possible to do 3 programs at once? I guess if it's a key to unlocking what's going on inside of me then it is worth looking into now.
Last night when I wrote I was really suffering. The cravings were really bad. In the end I worked on step 1 in the work book and that helped. I do have a sponsor. It was a bit late to call her. I guess I was trying to reach out.
It's been a very interesting journey. Overeating anon isn't just for obesed people. It also brings to light the people who over exercise, binge, purge or just plain starve themselves. I started when I was in primary school around 10. We were always playing sport basically everyday. From there I found aerobics, this was on top of the sport. Then I became an instructor teaching classes and doing up gym programs. Now after having 6 children, the weight has piled on as I can't exercise as much. It's not just a matter of dieting here and there. I've found it's to do with both punishing and comforting myself. After growing up in an alcoholic home, having partners who drink and smoke pot, I guess it's been my relief.
Yeah, I have been hopping on quite regularly there. It's very eye opening too. I'll start participating. Mainly, I've just been reading what everyone says. At times it's over my head but now and than something sinks in.