My name is Bill and I'm a recovered alcoholic! Saint patricks day I woke I did my apon awakening. I asked god to remove my self pity dishonest and self seeking motives. I spent time with my god asked him to remove from me my selfishness my fears my resentments and dishonesty. Just like the booze I can not will ore wish any of that away! I went up stairs to make my mom a cup of coffee. She remembered the day she got me from where I was at to help me out . She remembered how she said no drinking if I wanted tostay with them.. she remembered how sick I was how skinny and the smell.. I remember too. I had two laundry baskets full of all my belongings and a stolen vcr , the night before was my last drunk . By the grace of God. Twenty years have gone by since then and my relationship with God has enlarged . As the result an awkening has occured . Sanity has returned .I no longer have to fight. The prolem has been removed . I did not attent the parade down town . I served God I spent time with my sponsor .spent time with some of my sponsees . No pomp no coin ! Simply carry this message . My name is Bill Simonson. And by the grace of God the 12 steps and the support of the pack of lone wolves I run with I have not found it neccasay to pick up a drink or other mood or mind altering substance in 20 that's twenty years in a row. Uninterupted soberiety. Progress not perfection. I made every mistake.and god graced me. I serve God I help drunks my faith is alive because I. Like my sponsor his sponsor . Self sacrifice unselfish and constructive action. We commence in the shoulder to shoulder. Work we stay on the firing lime one day at a time. Being uniuely qualified and armed with the facts and I was giving this solution. And today I will do the same trust God clean house and help others . Because don't drink go to meetings was not enough for this drunk. Just my experience. I do what I am told . I let. God disapline me I am no longer running the show ! The book says mat you find him now ! So glad he does not dicriminate no religon or denomination sect. Color or creed ! I feel like Gods favorite drunk! Thank you A A
Not being Irish or Catholic might have made the journey a bit more smooth from my own experience and then I don't know for sure because I also haven't had the need to return to my elder Higher Power...booze as I understood booze. Grateful that this isn't what I suspected it was in the first place; a church program for members only. (((hugs)))