My beautiful (engaged) daughter-so hurt by her mom's disease-is comingback into my life in a happy, healthy way. I recently got to tell her I wanted to give her her wedding dress, and she let me!! She picked it out this week and I ordered it, and she showed me the bouquet she'd like and I'm going to get that for her too. I can't even express the joy I feel . She almost died when we were estranged and she just hated me for years. She has truly forgiven me and I know absolutely that that is essential for her-not for me. I am so grateful for this program of recovery and these steps for daily sober living.
throwing my 2 cents in, thank you for sharing your great news. it is hurtful to be the shunned drunk. my son got married without telling me. but i was a drunk and would have done what he did if my Mom had been a drunk. we are on fairly good terms now.... but i missed out on so much. it takes what it takes to get off the drink and AA is my path. nothing to do but look at today and make it the best. jj/sheila
That's awesome! Congratulations! :) I'm very happy for you. It' s wonderful to see our relationships begin to bud and bloom in a new way. My father is a crusty old dry drunk with very little emotional intelligence. He hurt me badly growing up with his alcoholism, and quit drinking 26 years ago. I will have 9 months sobriety on April Fools Day, and am AMAZED at how our relationship is changing already. I am on 9th step and making amends, and haven't even gotten to Dad yet, but already he has approached me and told me how proud he is of me of the changes in my life and the person I am learning to be... which I believe is my true self as my Higher Power would like me to be. I was blown away. My Dad has NEVER said he was proud of me, even when graduating from high school, college, getting my master's degree, marriages... birth of my two children... NADA.
The strangest thing is MY hatred for him has miraculously melted away with forgiveness. Forgiveness of what this disease can do to people untreated. I don't know if my Dad will ever embrace AA and the 12 steps, but I know he sees something different in me and it has sparked something deep inside of him. I hope that one day he will want what we have and be welcomed into our AA home and family. For now, I"m thrilled, happy, and content with "better." Things are improving and I feel at peace.
I will be thinking of you two as your lovely daughter goes through this huge milestone, and how you get to be part of it. Take lots of pictures and remember this beautiful moment between mother and daughter. That is goosebump material, my friend! Love and prayers, Heather