The AA 12 steps have been a source of strength for me with it's wonderful design for living. As I continue to work them, I have a found a life of peace and serenity that I never dreamed possible. I teach the steps. I read the steps. I know the steps by heart. It is the actual working of the steps, that I had found that had removed my defects of character. The BB says "RESENTMENT is the number one offender." I wondered why the BB said this? Over the years I have realised that this is one of the most difficult thing to deal with. How did I overcome? Just like everything else. I worked on it over and over, until I knew how to identify it and get rid of it. Today I absolutely refuse to allow resentment to take over my life. The BB say: "It destroys more alcoholics than anything else." I found that this is what the people and the world use to destroy me, whether knowingly or unknowingly. "To conclude that others were wrong was as far as most of us ever got." I got beyond that. I had to or die of alcoholism. I got my pen and paper and got on with it. The book suggests prayer for people who hurt us. The prayer is specific and set out in a pre-arranged order with concise instructions. I found that it was metaphysical science at it's best. PROOF: IT WORKS. RESENTMENT REMOVED. I saw the true meaning of that phrase "Love thy neighbour as thy self."