That spirit which, if given a free entrance, and not barred out by self will enable you to do the same works as I did, which being interpreted... will enable Me to do the same works, and even greater than I did when on earth - through you."
"What goes around, comes around,"is a popular saying It's often used to suggest that certain arrogant, unprincipled people will eventually receive their comeuppance. It conveys the idea that there's a hidden justice at work in human affairs that assures all injustice will eventually be punished.
But if it works to punish, this hidden justice also rewards right actions, and this is more important in our working of the program. If we act from good motives, we'll always find that our work is rewarded is some way. No alcoholic who performs a service in the fellowship goes unrewarded. Quite often the reward is simply a personal sense of well-being and growth in character, but these may be more important than money or recognition.
Justice is one of the cardinal virtues - a God-like attribute that human beings strive to understand. Believing in justice is believing in the Hidden Power that orders justice in all things.
I'll view my world today as something that is controlled and ordered by a Just Power. Reward and retribution are built into the scheme of things, but I'll focus more on actions that bring the right kinds of rewards.