That was really good, and he was spot on in so many places, like saying "alcohol saved my life"
I get that
very good 12 step work all the way across the board, educating others about alcoholism, I suspect he reached many alcoholics and non alcoholics alike, avoided frothy emotional appeal, his message had depth and weight, and he spoke for himself, from his heart, and didn't offer advice, just said what worked for him, even got in "what it was like, what happened, and what it's like now"
Bravo Craig, Bravo
That's what real AA looks like IMO
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
That was really good. He is so right about where satire should be used to deflate the pompous and powerful instead of attacking the vulnerable. I guess I'm much more attuned to it these days but society - through the media - loves watching people self destruct.
"Anna Nichole-Smith actually died."
*People in audience laugh*
"No! This is no joke!"
What programmed robots are we becoming when we laugh at that not because it is funny but because we are expected to?
Aahhh. I'm having a grumble because I'm sick of people enjoying Charlie Sheen destroying himself so publicly while the vultures circle, and a similar thing is happening over here with a high profile footballer. The public laughs first and then might offer help as an afterthought when it gets too nasty.
Man, that was such a good video! Craig is an amazing comedian and I'm so touched by how honest he can be. Those are some serious comedy chops to take the audience on that kind of ride. You're amazing Craig : )
There is help, and all I can say it's near the VERY FRONT of the phown bewk
And not on TV from that crook in SoCal. "This is not a twelve step progam. This COSTS MONEY. Lots of it. So if you've got it, we'll take it, and you never need to go to one of those meetings"