OK, so it's the first sunny day in a long time where I live. I'm picking up little man at school, have got him a snack, all that good stuff. And bing, "wouldn't it be nice to have a pint of Stella in a pub beer gardenafter I take him home" just comes in from nowhere. Wow, just like that.
On the blower to my sponsor (he's not there, left a message) and to a newcomer to see how he's doing (he'd texted me a kind of weird message round about the same time). Played that pint of Stella forward...felt a bit sick.
Zap, gone. Home, sober and will get up tomorrow for an early AA engagement.
I'm never cured of this illness, but if I do what I've been told, this program will keep me safe.
Thanks guys for helping me stay sober another day.