I went to an Alanon 60th mini convention with my wife. She was beautifully dressed in a modern Indian sari. The strange irony of all this, is that my wife did not want anything to do with Alanon or it's recovery program when I came into AA. So much for the spouses support. In fact she always said that I was not an alcoholic. I knew something was wrong with my drinking, so I stayed in AA long enough to actually understand the disease. After I had done my 5th step with my sponsor, my wife came to Alanon of her own accord. She always shares that she hit her rockbottom when my recovery started to progress. She has been in Alanon now for 19 years, purely for herself. Today we find that a family that prays together stays together. Today we find that a family that serves together have the grace of God upon their lives. God has been good to us with His many blessings upon our lives, for which I am very grateful to AA, Alanon and Alateen. It was through these fellowships that we found God, which brought about the peace and serenity in our lives which we enjoy so much. LEST WE FORGET.
I can totaly relate to what you are saying. With our family, I use this aa group to learn about what family members and friends are going through. For myself I go to al-anon meetings and am also part of overeaters anon. Whilst our children take part in al-ateen once a week.
When we were little we used to go to church at least every fortnight. I never felt it was right though. A lot of dogma going on. It wasn't until arriving at al-anon that Gods presence was truly felt for me. The people loved me unconditionally and I love them in return. This has helped me more than all the years we were forced to bow down with others who weren't meaning what they were pretending to be.
These programs have saved our family as well as our lives.
Aloha Gonee...Marvelous ESH share sooo right on for anyone looking for what it is that you and your wife have found in this spiritual program of recovery. It all happens in God's time when we are willing and honest and I am more than just grateful to both programs for the sanity and serenity I have today and the fellowships within which I am blessed to share and participate in it. God has been more than compassionate and kind and loving with my spouse and I on this journey and continues to promise us more beyond or wildest dreams. We remain available as instruments of God's peace and unconditional love. Yes Al-Anon's 60th anniversary is soon to arrive and Lois W.'s birthday was on the 4th, Friday. She and Bill; Ann and Bob were tremendous instruments for which all of us...sober and serene should be competely grateful.