"Have no fear. Fear is evil and perfect Love casts out fear. There is no room for fear in the heart in which I dwell. Fear destroys Hope. It cannot exist where Love is, or where Faith is.
Fear is the curse of the world. Man is afraid - afraid of poverty, afraid of loneliness, afraid of unemployment, afraid of sickness.
Many, many are man's fears. Nation is afraid of nation. Fear, fear, fear, everywhere. Fight fear as you would a plague. Turn it out of your lives and home. Fight is singly. Fight it together. Never inspire fear. It is an evil ally. Fear of punishment, fear of blame.
No work that employs this enemy of Mine is work for Me. Banish it. There must be another and better way.
It is startling to me how long I had the perverse need to hang on to fear. Perhaps the greatest gift in sobriety, the AA way,is the reduction, and, most of the time now, the elimination of fear. Instead of indulging the intellectual, rational, and valid reasons to have fear--(short of being on the wrong end of a gun in the face-I'm just not there yet LOL) we are blessed with an 11th step that basically sez "Ask me, and I will show you."