"A strength and a joy come from such times that will add much to your friendship, and much to your work.
Times of prayer are times of growth. Cut those times short and many well-filled hours of work may be profitless. Heaven's values are so different from the values of earth.
Remember that from the point of view of the Great Worker, one poor tool, working all the time, but doing bad work, is of small value compared with the sharp, keen, perfect instrument, used only a short time but which turns out perfect work."
ACOA - Risk
Today I set aside customary patterns and enter the arena of discovery. Today I see a wealth of options that are available to me. I will release the richness of my imagination and explore behaviors and thoughts which I never dreamed possible.
Today I chart my course with confidence and courage. I know that my Higher Power will inspire my ideas and protect me in carrying them out. This day I offer myself a banquet of experiences. I will accept the challenge and risk experimentation and investigation into new ways of being. Unexpected surprises await me as I anticipate only good.