One of greatest bit of encouragement I got were these 4 words from the AA book. I listened to it being read everyday at meetings. Whenever I became despondent, I always remembered these words. Whenever I was dishonest and I became remorseful, I said , do not be discouraged you will get victory over it. Just continue with the 12 steps. They said they were not saints, but they lived, acted and behaved like saints. I could not get it. Bit by bit despite myself, I got well and did get victory over those defects of character and also my drinking.
Many of us become discouraged if we are not making sufficient progress like we should. I found a good sponsor will create a good balance in my life. First all he will tell me not to be discouraged, in the face of diligent work in my life. Next he will give me a new plan of action where my own plan has failed. This was what my sponsor had done for me. I did the work but he guided me through his experience. I submitted to a wonderful and worthy member of AA. I have had this friendship and mentoring for over 21 years.