Thank you all for your kind words and your support. I've decided that AA isn't for me...I feel pretty certain that I will be fine if I just use good judgement and self control. I know that probably sounds like a drunk who just wants to drink again but everyone is different and while some people must stop drinking entirely there are others who just need to keep it in check and drink more responsibly.
You people are incredibly strong, with AA you've found the strength within yourselves to beat alcohol. I am incredibly strong as well, my path is just a different one.
Good luck, I'm glad to have known you even if it was briefly.
Thank you all for your kind words and your support. I've decided that AA isn't for me...I feel pretty certain that I will be fine if I just use good judgement and self control. I know that probably sounds like a drunk who just wants to drink again but everyone is different and while some people must stop drinking entirely there are others who just need to keep it in check and drink more responsibly. You people are incredibly strong, with AA you've found the strength within yourselves to beat alcohol. I am incredibly strong as well, my path is just a different one. Good luck, I'm glad to have known you even if it was briefly.
You and I had yet to meet, Tip, but you just might actually be on a right path at the moment ...
"We do not like to pronounce any individual as alcoholic, but you can quickly diagnose yourself. Step over to the nearest barroom and try some controlled drinking. Try to drink and stop abruptly. Try it more than once. It will not take long for you to decide, if you are honest with yourself about it. It may be worth a bad case of jitters if you get a full knowledge of your condition" (Big Book, pages 31-32).
"When a few men in this city have found themselves, and have discovered the joy of helping others to face life again, there will be no stopping until everyone in that town has had his opportunity to recover - if he can and will" (page 164).