Anyone have a copy of this book? I was wondering if its worth ordering. Seems pretty interesting... anyways something I stumbled across.. the sites pretty cool as can take anyword you want, type it in and it shows you everytime its used in the big book and what page etc ...check it out here.;.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Hey Jim, welcome to the board. It's a little more active during the day, but this is a message board (not a chat room). You read and post a few things, come back in a few hours and read some more. There is a space at the bottom left that shows who is on the board reading in real time.
I love it and it helps me with my writing, as well as helping others get even more into the Big Book & 12 & 12, especially. Today I was working on something about forgiving others, and used the online search feature. The book is just as good.