Dear All, This evening I had a very stressful incident. My son aged 17 who is acting out a lot lately mostly typical teenage stuff failed to arrive home after school. I could not locate him for some time and it was worrying. I subsequently found out from my better half that he had not gone to school for two days last week while I was away working. Eventually he turned up having walked the 7 miles in very bad weather and we had a frank discussion about all. I know that there is a lot more to be done about all but I am relieved and thankful to my higher power whom I relied on for this one. I am also so grateful that I did not want to drink. As this was always my coping mechanism to this type of drama, I am truly relieved.Earlier today I made arrangements to do my fifth step next thursday. I am going to ask my father to take care of my son while I travel that day who I know will be delighted to do this. If I need to stay overnight any more I am going to do this also as I took my eye off the ball but because of this program it is right back on track something that it would not be if I was drinking. Yes things go wrong and I did not feel great but I am going to do a bit of reading, having spoken to my sponsor and am going to bed early.
It's been years since I was in that boat, but your post immediately triggered how horrible I felt when my teen did that (and just went on and on, downhill). And when I was hurting and scared and angry all at once, over the missing kid, I could hear my mother in her grave saying...ha-what goes around comes around. I know I drove her to the depths of pain and fear with my drinking & drugging & acting out. You are fortunate to have so much support, and "taking the fifth" will definitely put the whipped cream on the sundae.
-- Edited by leeu on Thursday 3rd of February 2011 07:10:31 PM
Not sure if I can meaningfully contribute, but it seems like in one more year, he'll be an adult, and your ability to protect and influence him is totally limited by his willingness at that point. Maybe to keep it in perspective.
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.
I drank thru raising my kids in their teens, didnt get sober till after they were out of the house. Ugh! I have made my ammends to them both and I continue to stay sober by the Grace of God and the life changing program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Keep up the good work, be strong and find that strength in the program, God and others who can share their own esh.