A friend dedicated this to me today...I think it's her way of sayin' I shouldn't beat up on myself for past behaviors. It's a sweet little tune, and I can particularly relate to the "Gimme Sympathy" part of it, because not WANTING anybody's sympathy and being "tough" was a big part of what got me where I was in the first place.
Let it go. Accept the sympathy, forgive yourself and others, play me something like "Here Comes The Sun".
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." ~Anonymous
Nice...at my noon meeting today, we talked about guilt and shame and not being able to let go. A couple of people were having a really hard time with some things. We have to be able to let go and just give up- if I can't do that, then I'm dwelling too much on the past (I think sometimes that's not totally unhealthy, but I can also recognize when it is).
Awesome that a friend dedicated any kind of song to you that was really well-intended.