My new Granddaughter was born Monday, emergency C-Section with the cord around her neck, no heartbeat. They revived her and sent her to a Childrens Hospital in Chicago. Being a Paramedic I know all the possible complications and I was scared poopless. During it all I used the program, we wont know if ther is any long term mental deficits for months and years to come, but that is OK because now I can handle the cards I am dealt, my kids are strong and sober and we will make it through. Any Prayers for Olivia are greatly appreciated. GOD Bless this program and everybody in it.
The smallest of good deeds is greater than the best of intentions.
at least u know what to look for..myself i was not aware of the possible complications and tho my son was at the far end of the scale developementally throughtout his first 2 yrs i wasnt too freaked. it wasnt until he was 3 and couldnt talk that i knew it was serious..the shock of all the visits and diagnosis ..the beginning of our journey of a "special needs" child was harsh at first..i can tell of a little i learned along the way..i learned that other people with a special needs child in there life are wonderful and supportive. they "get it" instantly and there is a bond between us parents (very cool) ..the last 17 years many things happened starting from my husband leaving us when my son was 10 mos old to losing our home a couple of times, variety of "disasters" people i needed dying ect. through it all i havent picked up a drink or drug..I learned to fight for us with a strength i didnt know i had..the proffessional "team" that works with my son love him and i love them. they are awesome.! the best advice i got was from a father with a kid like mine..he said My heart would lead me to know what was right for my son..listen to my heart..i met assholes and saints..the saints make it worth it ! Fear is my biggest nemisis, its hard to get out of its cold and iron grip at times..I always pray to be guided for whats the best for the both of us, sometimes the waiting for an answer is tough. my prayers go out to you and your family. (hug)