Just rented this from netflix and finished it and must say wow...it changed my whole outlook on AA. Its nice to know some history, I highly recommend this if you have not seen it, performances are great! Have you seen it? If so your thoughts?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Saw it some time ago but it was an informative history of AA. Then again, as it is a hollywood production I suppose I should be careful not to consider it strictly historical. Still a very good movie. James Woods was very good in it.
yes, Steve, my AA home group owns a copy, so i saw it about 2 years ago. it did help me and gave me a glimpse into his days and struggles. glad you saw it. hugs jj/sheila
Saw it some time ago but it was an informative history of AA. Then again, as it is a hollywood production I suppose I should be careful not to consider it strictly historical. Still a very good movie. James Woods was very good in it.
Very true. I thought the movie hit most of the high points, but the time line seems to be a little off. I really got interested in the history of AA after watching it and started looking into it further. If your interested in more of a history approach, "Dr. Bob and the Good Old Timers" is a pretty good book. I've also seen and own a copy of "Bill W. and Dr. Bob", and off Broadway production from back in 2007. It's pretty good too, and goes into a few things that were missed in "My Name is Bill W." It's not an easy DVD to find, but I recommend seeing it if you ever get the chance. Actually, just checking right now, it's available through Hazelden for anyone interested.
Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing. Everything is simply, transformed. :confuse:
The movie has some strong "roots" in A.A. and someone highly responsible for its creation and production came to the Sunday Serenity meeting in Richmond, VA. and told his story, while part of the film was being shot there. Some of the actors in the film also have membership in our fellowship. They are great examples of maintaining anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV and films. I was there and can attest to that. It was one awesome meeting!
A.A. Comes of Age (the book) is also an excellent historical reference.