When I went into that place I was a mess. I hated myself and the world and I really couldn't see much point in continuing on. I'd lost my wife, my kids, my house and my self respect. They had to really look after me to stop myself dong anything stupid to myself.
A couple of months later I was pleased to tell them that life is moving forward for me and I feel really good. That I made it through Christmas happily and I've seen my kids who love their new dad. That although my chances of getting back with my wife are still very slim we are talking politely and not going to fight it out in the courts for custody. I told them that they saved my life and I will always be grateful to them for that.
But the very best bit was that there was genuine happiness in their voice to hear my news and that they thanked me for ringing as they rarely get people telling them that things were working out for them. They take broken people and put them back together with love and care and then never know if they made it in the outside world.
I never realized that a simple thank you could make me feel so good and bring so much joy to the other person. Such a very simple thing.
You're truly a miracle. I'll bet that the folks, at the rehab, were pleasantly surprised as not many make it to a year. Keep working hard at it and keep your sobriety you number one priority and stick close to the program (and this board). It'll pull you through.
Working at a rehab myself, I can honestly say it really makes my day when I hear things like this. Unfortunately, we hear about more of the relapses than the success stories. Congrats on your new sober life!
Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing. Everything is simply, transformed. :confuse:
A Miracle. I love to see that. I hear gratitude in your post. Very nice to see. Your in the miniority- many don't succeed when they leave the structured/controlled environment of a Rehab. I'm sure the Rehab appreciated your call. They have a tough job and it's nice for them to get a pat on the back once in awhile.
Aloha Frodo...sound like you got rid of the ring...Gratitude is a soul emotion and I pray you continued to build on it with the suggestions of AA...Meetings, Big Book and sponsor, a Power much greater than Frodo and Alcohol (the ring), the steps, traditions and slogans and of course prayer and meditation. Keep coming here for ESH both giving and receiving. Your ESH helps us stay sober. I'd like to thank your Rehab also for sending one more sober alcoholic out into our lives as we understand our lives. Trust God...leave your spouse and the condition of your marriage there. Clean house...get the tools for that in the program and here...Help others, watch the miracle of recovery work as you give away to other alcoholics what has worked for you and saved your mind, body, spirit and emotions.
Thanks for bringing your ESH back to MIP. (((hugs)))