Hey all, wasn't able to post on here very much in the last week, as was back home visiting family. First time that they've seen me since I've been in the Fellowship.
The family is pretty dysfunctional, lots of conflict and spiteful comments going back and forth, but I love 'em. Prior to AA, I'd allow myself to get drawn into the conflict and negativity and would then drink on it.
Not so this time. Applied everything I've learned in AA, got to a meeting every day (met all sorts of new folks, went for coffee with them).
Result was that this was the best family visit ever. There was still stress and I'm still growing, but it was great -- I accept now that perfection is impossible to achieve. My wife has also noticed a difference -- normally, she dreaded me coming home after that, as I'd be in a foul mood for weeks.
Thanks for sharing this, Steve!! Great example you are, too. It is really hard to break old patterns like that. Thank God our program begins to change us.
I once heard someone say, "If I practice perfectionism, then I must be arrogant enough to think I can actually achieve it." I loved that, put it into perspective for me. I had always thought being a perfectionist was cool. It's definitely not. It arises out of sick arrogance and control issues (yah, I'm listening...lol). And who wants to be arrogant???? Yuck.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
"And needelss to say, I didn't drink! :)' The celebration of the first step and the slogan "first things first". Great share...simple I can use this...I think I will.