Hello! I'm studying addiction, alcoholism, and relapse and their connection to family history. In order to make my results as accurate as possible, I need a large population to survey. I would be very thankful if you could spare a few minutes for a quick, simple, and 100% anonymous survey to help me learn more about the causes of alcoholism to discover more effective cures. Please cope the link below to begin the survey:
Alcoholism is caused by both the environment and genetics. It functions on a diathesis stress model meaning that you have a certain genetic predisposition and then a certain amount of life stressors and environmental exposure to alcohol will bring out the disease. There is no cure for alcoholism and only treatment.
Saved you a bunch of work.
*besides threads like this usually get closed because this board is here for us to support each other and not be subjects in research projects.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I went and looked at this. It's a very lazily put together study. He's obviously trying to show a statistical correlation between number of relapsed or addicted family members and likelihood or relapse in the subject. Looks like a homework project for Psych 101 or Stat 101 at the local community college. And a B-minus project at best.
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.
For my 2-cents worth, none of these requests are worth responding to without the full disclosure of the college or university, contact information, the name and level of the class, the parameters of the assignment, purpose of the study, the methodology, the research base and credentials of the analyst and so on.
I have no problem with legitimate research-I support it, it is helpful! But I have big problems with these badly designed "informal" polls that have no ties to actual research, have no validity or reliability, and basically just add to the morass of misinformation and bad information about addiction that is already out there.
There is so much good research readily available regarding etiology, genetics , relational dynamics etc. that I don't understand why the student isn't in the library getting up to speed! To say nothing of the fact that large population studies are neither quick nor simple. Research into causes and "cures" (she really blew her credibility with that one!) are rigorous and complex and take years to conduct and complete.
Lee's rant of the day---this one just irritated me for some reason! Not a B-, maybe a D+, at best.