The sun's the life giver. . . I talk to it like you would to a god. --Peter Firth
Having a Power greater than ourselves to believe in is like knowing the sun is in the sky. There are days when the sun shines with a brilliance that lights up everything around us--tree branches, snowflakes, the faces of our friends. When a seed is planted, it is the sun's warmth that invites it out of the ground to grow into a fruit or flower. The sun is the center the earth rotates around. The sun gives warmth and light to the earth, sometimes in ways we don't always notice.
There are days we do not see the sun--it is obscured by thick clouds. Yet even on these days, we know the sun's rays still reach the earth and nourish her.
God nourishes and warms our lives the same way the sun does the earth. Some days we easily see the presence of such a power in our lives, and other days we cannot see past the clouds. But God gives our lives a light-filled center and nourishes us even on quiet cloudy days.
Just taking a moment to thanku you guys for being here.
The clouds have obscurred the sun for the last few days.
Took a risk in life--without masks-and with faith and true honesty-and really beleived, in a situation. As much as I try to convince myself, that it wasnt real--that couldnt be farther from the truth. Everything about it was real.
Was told there were no land mines to look for. I quit looking.
Then --Boom!! A mine went off, and blew me right into the ground.
Sympathy? Had enough of that stuff. Just sharing, and keeping the crap out.
Yaaaa-Im down. Been there before.
Yaaa-Ive got to go back on chemo pills to get some other shit, back to where it should be.
Yaaaa-Im depressed as hell.
Yaaa-I wanted to drink over it, but I didnt.
Im here-another day--and as the rest of you are doing, trying to deal with life on a daily basis sober.
Will I put myself out there again? With risk of more land mines?
Likely.--we never know, until we try, do we?
Ive hid behind walls of fear--did it for most of my life. Self centered fear. Not a great way to live.
So-we heal some more-we learn--we live today, and have faith in tomorrows--We trust in God, and our programs.
And realize that sometimes--even tho we are sincere, in setting goals, and attaining goals-and wanting a few little dreams to come true--that are attainable--they just dont always happen.
Expectations is another word for setting ourselves up for failure.
God Take it--I cant. Powerless.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..