We're often told that alcoholics and other addictive persons are perfectionists, impatient about any shortcomings - especially our own. We tend to set impossible goals for ourselves, struggling fiercely to reach our unattainable ideals. Then, of course - since no person could possibly meet the extremely high standards we demand of ourselves - we find ourselves falling short. Discouragement and depression set in; we angrily punish ourselves for being less than superhuman. The next time around, rather than setting more realistic goals, we set them even higher. And we fall farther, then punish ourselves more severely. Isn't it about time I stopped setting unattainable goals for myself?
Today I Pray
May God temper my own image of myself as a super-person. May I settle for less than perfection from myself, as well as from others. For only God is perfect, and I am limited by being human.
Today I Will Remember
I am not God; I am only human.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Oh Man! Did I ever see a lot of myself in that description! Boy, does it ever stink not being able to decide what you want to do with your life, because you think that you have to be exceptional at EVERYTHING!
I saved it also, and even shared a copy with my wife, who tells me that she is still trying to figure out what makes me "like this".
Have to watch out for him. He shows up all the time. Why do we have to do everything perfect???? good is good enough. try not to drive myself nuts any more, but sometimes it takes my wife to say gee that's good enough. Then I start looking at me again.
I will try not to be mr perfect today and use your prayer