Morning,New Years Eve, it seems like only yesterday that the feelings of "25 years of the new years eve syndrome,blasted and twisted, everyday,in total devastation and lost in a hopeless pit wondering how long before my demise and how there was anyone left that could possibly love this very sick individual.I had burned just about everybridge.It wasn't a 'white light revelation" in fact I wasn't sure how I was going to do it,but I knew it was a choice ,God given one more time,to choose life or death on the morning of my "total surrender".Praise the God of my understanding,you had allowed me to be pulled from the muck and mire and placed my feet on a solid rock!New years Eve today,since that cold December morning in 1984,is a day that we look forward to,for family association,a blessed meal,family fellowship and laughter and continued hope for this day and everyday God allows us to see.Tomorrow morning,HoneyMooners Marathon,that my wife stay in bed,watch for hours,I can recite each word that is said,,and still laugh uncontrollably,and at times cry over the joy of being lucid,working in the solution and where I have been allowed to be by God;s grace and mercy.tHIS IS A MESSAGE OF HOPE AND ASSURANCE THAT THERE CAN BE FREEDOM FROM THE DEVASTATION OF OUR DISEASE,IT JUST TAKES THE SUGGESTIONS OF OUR PROGRAM,GUIDED BY OUR "COMING TO BELIEVE" AND DAILY WORK AND ACTION IN OUR SOLUTION THE SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES OF OUR STEPS AND PROGRAM.Didn't mean to write a diatribe,but feeling ever so grateful I could scream!! Think I will .. (HEAR THAT?)aNYWAY HOPE YOU HAVE as exciting a New years as we are looking forward to. Who would ever thunk it!!!!(I know my God did!!!!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Yeah MIkeF I feel it too, a grand sense of gratitude. 22 sober new years' eves and 18 of them with my wonderful wife. I thanked her this morning in the jacuzzi over coffee. Going to work of my goals and resolutions for the new year later this evening. But just for today I'm going to count my blessings and reflect on how it used to be and what it might be like now (homeless , incarcerated, or dead) if the gifts of desperation, willingness, and sobriety weren't received.
Thanks Dean ,that was a shot from a band "DOUBLESHOT"(BOUT 4 YEARS AGO!) i WAS IN AT THE TIME.Shot "after the war had ended" sO SMILING WAS SOMETHING i LIKED TO DO............
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Thanks, Mike! I am yelling right along with you, because although this past year has had it's definite troubles due to my self will, I've been blessed with the choice/chance to put 2010 in the past, and start anew with 2011. That I am sober right now is a testament to God's Grace and is a miracle indeed.
I don't want to take this coming year lightly. There will be 365 days where I can choose to do the work or not to do the work to grow and live well. 24 hours at a time, Just For Today, I choose to do the work and to LIVE.
Happy New Year to All!!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Happy pending New Year to all! How awesome to be going into it sober and grateful. Prayers and good thoughts for all who are struggling, with self or with loved ones---hang tuff---it DOES get better if we keep on keepin' on. 2011 WOW-I truly never expected to live past 1980 or so---30+ years ago....THAT is a miracle (still in progress.)