AA is not allied with an sect, denomination or organization and neither supports nor opposes any causes.
Good! Glad I have that laid down in stone for me.
God led me to serve as the media/PR co-ordinator with an interfaith non-profit organization that aims to help the helpless, fight for people's rights, handle pro-bono family law & immigration cases and make the world a better place one piece at a time. One of the things this organization needed was office/meeting/classroom/library space.
Yours Truly secured that for them/us (I low-ball offered on the rent and they took my offer!!). We move in January first and one of the conditions of my volunteering for this organization is that I can hold 12 Step meetings there on a regular schedule! HOORAY!!!! (now I just have to figure out how to go about that )
In addition, I am going to learn how to write grants. After I fulfill all of my requirements to be a Certified Alcohol/Drug Counselor (2-4 years), I can apply for grants to pay my own salary and they will hire me on staff as the CADC for the facility, as well as the media rep. I asked "God, WTF do you want from me?"...God answered. I am willing.
That kinda sort butts me up against the lesson "Be careful what you pray for" Rob and then your response of "I am willing" is the clincher.
What a turn around for Aqua Person!! For a while I was thinking..."The man has fallen off the cliff" and now "and fallen into a huge pile of my wife's special oatmeal cookies". That by the way is a huge blessing around these parts.
It's gratifying to be allowed to witness "how it works" the Aqua dudes" way. I think you're completely in now and that the consequences will be very very helpful to tons of people you haven't even met yet..."Aquaman wannabe's" maybe.
Give it all away and take it one step/day at a time; it's all we have along with our HP. More than most outside of the program.
I'm gonna watch intimately as to how it affects you like it also affected me when my sponsor told me to give it away. How did I do it? I asked another member who had done it before me and then just duplicated his work. Keep it simple and ask for help.
In moral support with a wide smile...this is a large part of my own recovery experience.
YAY and avery Merry Christmas to you, your wife and family and local AA group and all those people you have been touching with recovery. YAY again!! ((((hugs))))
.... all this was coming together even as you were recently having a major emotional crisis! Shows me that we don't have to throw everything out the window just because of our emotions and day to day problems... even in crisis we can do the next right thing and keep God's gifts to us intact. You did just that.
Thanks for more lessons!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.