'A drunk who merely gives up drinking is merely a dry drunk, a drunk who works the program and truly turns his will over to God becomes a sober alcoholic. The choice is yours.'
I just read that on another thread and I'm reading and re-reading it over and over again... It's my birthday... someone told me to make a wish. So I did... And now instead of just wishing my alcoholism away I am working the program the way it's set out... I'm going to find a way to do a meeting every day. I'm going to read til I'm blue in the face and I'm going to start getting into the steps, with or without a sponsor. I'm on the verge of getting one... got the requests out and the feelers out... and I have a great AA friend who is kind of like my temporary sponsor but he's a 'he' and I need a 'she' -- lol... but with 45 years of sobriety and having done and seen it all, I'm hanging on to him for dear life right now.
I just prayed myself through a moment of complete desire to take away the pain I feel today that came on suddenly... I woke up feeling fantastic... It's my birthday, I decided to start a journal with all the wisdom and thoughts I have... I did that this morning... I'm gonna get it right this year... nothing but good positive thoughts to start this day...
Then I went to the gym... and because my emotions are so high and low lately... suddenly some difficult emotions came to the surface out of nowhere and I thought... after this I'm just gonna get my grey goose and drink these feelings away... I quit. I can't do this. I'm not even going to my pyschologist tomorrow... (problems with work, teenage daughter, self loathing and lack of confidence)...
It's like I just want to sabotage myself... I don't!!!!!! This is my disease doing my thinking for me, like Satan or something... It's like I'm afraid to feel TOO good... Whenever I start to feel really good, like my head is clearing up, loving the feeling I have when I wake up after a few days or weeks sober... I seem to blow it for jno apparent reason that makes any sense at all, except that I have the disease of alcoholism and right now I am just a dry drunk (and barely dry at that) with the dream of being a sober, serene alcoholic like the wonderful people I have come to know at the meetings I've been attending regularly since August.
It's like I have such self loathing that I think I don't deserve to feel good... but deep in my heart I know I'm an A+ person - a 'high functioning', 'low bottom' alcoholic, but a FULL BLOWN ALCOHOLIC NONETHELESS... I NEED TO ALWAYS KNOW THIS AND REMEMBER THIS....
Somewhere in me I just want to feel sorry for myself and take the 'easy' way out... sadly (or not) I now know that drinking is FAR from the 'easy' way out. It's easy while I'm numb and 10 times harder when I sober up which is, I know why I'm feeling so up and down these past few days... I strayed on vacation and I'm now paying the price for that. Physically, I'm fine... mentally I'm going through peaks and valleys.
Just had to say that 'out loud'... Can't find a meeting locally to go to at this time of day but I will go tonight and I will keep praying and praying.
I cannot give up on God and AA, even though I sometimes want to, because when I do that, I might as well just kiss this otherwise blessed life that I have goodbye. Kiss goodbye my self respect (what is left) and worse yet, the respect of my children, friends and family. No matter what... no matter what... I cannot pick up that first drink... I have done it too many times already since I started this program.
The stakes are getting higher and the lows are getting lower.
ABETTERWAY wrote:I have done it too many times already since I started this program.
The stakes are getting higher and the lows are getting lower.
Hi, Mr Redundant say the same thing over and over and over here
first of all GREAT news, it appears you are getting close to approaching the first step and actually beginning to work the Program, this is fantastic, the decision to admit to make a decision lol
This sounds to me like my "step zero" my sponsor had me do, which was write down "this shit has got to stop" and then write down all the reasons this was true
The Program starts working when we start working the program
get a sponsor 90 in 90 work the steps help newcomers, then take them through the steps
and Robert is your Fathers Brother
keep us posted on your journey, you left a well documented "here are some of the methods we have tried" history here, I am hugely interested in seeing what happens when you take some action and work the steps, it will be an awesome example of
What it was like What happened What it's like Now
What it was like:
you have learned getting in touch with your feelings hasn't stopped you from drinking you have learned that knowledge of your condition hasn't stopped your drinking you have learned therapy hasn't stopped your drinking you have learned meeting attendance hasn't stopped your drinking you have learned exercise hasn't stopped your drinking you have learned Yoga hasn't stopped your drinking you have learned that a new job hasn't stopped your drinking you have learned going on vacation didn't stop you from drinking you have learned posting on the internet doesn't stop you from drinking you have learned "telling on yourself" doesn't stop you from drinking
now we get to see you live these into being if you take action, this is fantastic
What happened:
What its like now:
-- Edited by LinBaba on Monday 20th of December 2010 05:17:21 PM
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
For me, it seems that the closer I get to my Higher Power, the harder my disease has to work to prevent recovery. I make a spiritual effort, and something will happen... to try to shake it. I soo identify with this:
"The powers of evil watch you as a besieging force would watch a guarded city - the object being always to find some weak spot, attach that, and so gain an entrance. So evil lurks around you, and seeks to surprise you in some fear.
The fear may have been but a small one, but it affords evil a weak spot of attack and entrance, and then... in come rushing despondency, doubt... and so many other sins..."
I was told to keep myself parked in the middle of Alcoholics Anonymous... right in the middle of every one and every thing AA. They told me I can't hang off the side of the boat, I have to get myself in the middle of it. That's what I'm doing, I have no where else to turn. I expect it to protect me, it seems to protect so many others. Happy Birthday (((hugs)))
LinBaba, I have to know... how many people have you sponsored in your day? LOL... you would be an amazing sponsor. I'm always somewhat afraid of your response but it's always no nonsense and right on. Thank you for keeping track of things and reminding me of how far I have come or when I am lagging behind, hiding behind my defenses... You're great!
Welcome to MIP, Jeane & a very happy birthday to you. God bless & keep you. Great thread btw ;) Thank you. Keep coming back. Recovery love & fellowship, Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!
LinBaba, I have to know... how many people have you sponsored in your day? LOL... you would be an amazing sponsor. I'm always somewhat afraid of your response but it's always no nonsense and right on. Thank you for keeping track of things and reminding me of how far I have come or when I am lagging behind, hiding behind my defenses... You're great!
in my day?? lol cough cough /cloud of dust, cobwebs and surprised spiders comes out of my mouth lol hahahaha well the day had to come, at 45 I have officially reached the "back in the day" status, Original Gangster heah!!!!!
I don't know really, I got sober in my twenties originally, and got my first sponsee at 30 days, I tried to talk him out of it, he wanted me so I just had to stay at least one step ahead of him, he made it all the way through the steps then he got 5-6 years before he drank, my serious sponsorship probably started at around a year, I was on the second run through the steps and started attending Big Book Seminars by a couple guys name of Joe and Charlie that broke down the book mathematically and realized just how precise the formula was
Off the top of my head I think I have taken a dozen or two all the way through the steps that I still see on occasion, as in worked thoroughly, maybe another 30 partially through the steps, and had maybe 70 that met with me a few times so they could have someone to point at and say "I have a sponsor", and another hundred that asked me to sponsor them and I never heard from them again, but that is a guess
A lot is the short answer, I think it's because good judgment comes from experience, and in AA we share our experience, and that usually comes from bad judgment, and I have had more then my fair share of that
Rainspa wrote:
and Robert is your Fathers Brother
"No, Bjorn Stronginthearm is my Uncle." - Corporal Carrot Ironfourndersson
That's funny
Bob Sale was a General in The British Army in the mid 1800's, I -think- in the 44th Highlanders, who were wiped out to the last man in Gandamack, actually the entire British Army who had invaded Afghanistan were wiped out except for a Doctor who was allowed to live to carry the story back to The English to let them know to stay out of Afghanistan, who was very kindly but so badassed, and who cared for his men so much he always did what he could to see to their well being even in battle, so that the men in his Regiment took to calling him "Uncle Bob" and then when he came through for them they'd say "Bob's your uncle" meaning they were in place where the higher ups "had their back" and that everything would be OK
OK, that was all off the top of my head, lemme look it up on Wikipedia
One theory regarding the origin of the phrase is that it refers to Lord Frederick Roberts (1832-1914. 1st Earl Roberts, Roberts of Kandahar). Roberts was an Anglo-Irish soldier, born in India, who fought and commanded in India, Abyssinia, Afghanistan and South Africa. Roberts was one of the most successful commanders of the Victorian era and was cited for numerous acts of gallantry. His finest hour was perhaps the lifting of the siege of Kandahar in 1878 in which he marched a force of 10,000 men over three hundred miles from Kabul, winning a battle and successfully lifting the siege. Well respected amongst his men, Roberts was affectionately referred to as 'Uncle Bobs'. Generally meaning 'all will be well', and often used to indicate a successful outcome, the phrase "Bob's your uncle" was a term originally used by Roberts' men to boost confidence among the ranks and imply that all would be well under his command.
More research needed, I could have sworn it was Bob Sale, who was also at the seige of Kandahar I think
-- Edited by LinBaba on Monday 20th of December 2010 04:32:09 PM
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
in my day?? lol cough cough /cloud of dust, cobwebs and surprised spiders comes out of my mouth lol hahahaha well the day had to come, at 45 I have officially reached the "back in the day" status, Original Gangster heah!!!!!
hahaha... OK that does sound funny, but you know what I mean? See, you are 45 with all this knowledge and I'm 43 just starting on the long and winding road...
Had no idea about your story and that you started in your 20's and sponsored someone so soon! Must have helped you too!
In any event, I'm starting to depend on your advice (and everyone's here), even when sometimes I cringe when I hear it because it's not what I WANT to hear...
But then again, nobody WANTS to be an alcoholic either.
But then again, nobody WANTS to be an alcoholic either.
Good night! Jeanne
we ROCK!!!
Anyone who is anyone is/was an alcoholic, history and the present is FULL of people who were alcoholics, most every great writer and artist, singers, songwriters, poets, actors, comedians, mad dictators, if you know someones name chances are they were alcoholic, Winston Churchill, Jim Morrison, Van Gogh, Sam Houston, the list is endless, even Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding because more is always better and because you know one is never enough yo
I find ordinary people about as bland as a loaf of Wonder Bread, and about as nourishing to my spirit, but I aint right in the head
Seriously, I am proud to be an alcoholic, all my friends are proud to be alcoholics, how messed up is that?
Where I am from sobriety is so big it's like having an underground secret society, the mechanics I go to are sober, the waiters and waitresses that serve us toss us a wink, my sponsees were always blown away, we'd go to a restaurant with 200 people and 150 of them were sober going to the birthday meeting up the street
I went from being alone, unique, lonely, and suffering to being surrounded by people exactly like me, with sick and twisted senses of humor, to soooo much love I can't even begin to convey it, these people know more about me then my parents, then my siblings, then anyone, and they give me unconditional love
The day I walked into my first meeting of AA and found out what being an alcoholic really meant and being surrounded by other alcoholics was the best day of my life, really, it opened a door I didn't know existed, the door of not being all alone in the world any more
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
Soooo as I get it here...The solution isn't about grander thinking but better doing. I put my brain back in the box it came in and start "doing" working the program as suggested. I listen for suggestions and follow thru very best I can. Progress not perfection. Welcome to the board.
Thanks, J. I needed BADLY to see the words, "The stakes get higher and the lows get lower."
I needed that so badly! It really is THAT SERIOUS for me. My recent low was being thrown in jail again, something that had not happened in over 10 years. Definitely a big low. And what is lower? Prison? Hospital? Nursing home at 39? Coffin................
I'm with you.... I'm headed to a meeting tonight. And I will not pick up a drink or drug, for this 24 hours.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.