Even though I make good money I have been in debt for sometime related to my drinking and poor choices. My bank has been overdrafted for a year each direct deposit will put it in the positive a few hundred and then I overdraft to survive. My mothers name was on the account and the bank called her and told her of the overdraft so when my check went in friday I took out 220 leaving only 15 in. My mom went closed the account cause she wanted her name off of it. Then she gave me the money to get a new account paid all my bills and gave me some money to buy christmas with. No more overdrafted bank and no more outrangeous bank fees. I only have to pay them back a little at a time. Someone on here said Sobriety first and everything else will fall into place. I believe it is working MERRY CHRISTMAS 2 weeks today for me
This is a nice little temporary blessing, and you're right to be thankful for it, but remember if your old habits continue it will just land you right back in the same place again before too long. Obviously you know this. Good luck....
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.
Congradulations Loretta and keep coming back and following the suggestions. It does get better the longer you maintain honesty and willingness to do what ever it takes to get and stay sober....Get a sponsor and get into the steps consistently. The answer is in allowing and asking for others to help Loretta.