I have made it through my first week It has been a long time since I have went a week w/o drinking. I feel really accomplished right now. I have started sharing with my co workers that i am an alcoholic most of them had no clue. Some even said but you come to work everyday and even work overtime. And yes I do i don't drink on the job and I do a lot of overtime but I am still an alcohilic even though i have never let it interfere with my job but who knows it may have been headed that way. So next weekend on my weekend off my son and I plan to take the money I might have spent on beer and go to Extreme sports and out to eat together.
Congrats Loretta! Hang in there it keeps getting better. It's really important to make it to 90 days. That was a time frame that I tried, unsuccessfully, for two years to make, but once I did make it to 90 days, I stayed sober. Of course I went to meetings daily during that time.
Well done Loretta. When I got my 1st week of sobriety, I realised then that it was not me but God working in and through me. I could not stay sober even one day or longer than 12 hours. Even when I first passed the 12 hour mark I was excited.
Many congrats Loretta. When I had a week, people said to me -- keep coming back, get a sponsor, work the program, it gets even better, the best is yet to come.
Don't quit five minutes before the miracle happens ~ P.O TooleCrossroads- the maricle is this I asked for help in the morning and thank Him at night for one day sober.I asked Him to.i remove the obsession and He did . It took me two weeks to realize that . I was not thinking about drinking. I worked some steps after being tired of running my own life and it has never returned thank God for a 12 step program.
Congratulations sister. If you're anything like me, a sense of euphoria set in after about a week and I became more confident. Enjoy this phase, it is a real kick! I might warn you to be careful about anonymity though. My joy at quitting led me to share my accomplishment with a couple of people that I probably shouldn't have. Just a thought.
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.
Nice, Loretta! 7 days is a long time for an Alcoholic. 7 days for a normie is nothing. That's the difference.
I started to get better at living A Day At A Time when I made AA my priority. That led to Meeting consistency, Home Group, Sponsor, Steps, God and now Service- giving back. Service- Unity-Recovery. Please keep posting and help us stay sober.
Keep on keeping on. Most folks with a lot of sobriety time refer to me as a newcomer and I have over 800 days sober now. What is best is that you are already seeing some benefits and enjoying sobriety. This should strengthen your step 1. Look how powerless you were over alcohol if just 1 week away from it leads you to feel this good. Alcohol is not and will never be your friend. Congrats.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!