Bill recovered alcoholic ,how many times did I say to myself that I am not gonna life like this any more ! And mean it with every thing in me. And go right back and pick up one drink.just like that. I jusr new that I was a good guy, wake up and do it again.the obsession was killing me and it got to the point where I could not care. Bottom line I got drunk on my way to doing the next right thing every time. I have a disease that only a spiritual remedy will solve. Which when I applied these 12 steps into my life.the problem has been removed.thank God for a 12 step progam .
Thanks, Bill. Ah-yes, A life of insanity. Been there & done that many times. Made promises to myself and others only to fail under my own devices. It proved to me that I'm powerless of Alcohol and my life was unmanagable. Also, that I, my wife, family, counselor or any human power could not relieve me of my Alcoholism. Only God could provide me with the power to remain sober and recover.
The diesase is cunning, baffling and powerful. It's the only diesase I know of that tells us we don't have it........................
very true. code of ethics did me no good at all until i was willing to accept my part in my alcoholic behavior and realize i had no power over alcohol, no power over my disease, no power to think straight until i was at a point of desperation. i messed up for so long i could not stand my own stupidity. my AA family helped me reach out and up for the help that could keep me from drinking today. eventually the fog lightened and sometimes lifts.... living a good and a happy life became a bit more possible one day at a time. i keep sharing with the newcomer, it strengthens my daily walk. jj/sheila