I need to remember that 'this too shall pass' applies to the good times as well as the not so good times.
I've been on a good level playing field for a long while now. No problems or issues that I can't deal with in the day. Yesterday got a serious congratulations from senior management whcih made me feel good.
Today - working well, being productive, then get the phone call. A Mobile Phone network is down in North Yorkshire. One of my sites. 1st reaction was oh shit what have I done.
Calm down now and remember to only sweep my side of the street. OK I did the best I could and identified where I went wrong, but also had to identify where others had gone wrong.
Had to laugh in the end - the reason why the network is down was because an essential radio link was on a tower that I sanctioned the removal of. The owner of the tower didn't tell me there were other users on it and I didn't check (not my job) I held the pre start meeting over the phone (couldn't travel due to weahter). I figure one error, albeit a costly one, in 450 sites isn't a bad failure rate.
Calm down Bill, this too shall pass.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Mention of rockets and this shall pass together seems appropriate because when I am trying to practice the acceptance I can't seem to help wishing the will pass part happen warp speed. So I keep in mind, this too shall pass, in some(god) time.
It will come with the practice...acceptance is part of that practice and like Bill mentioned the good stuff goes by too. It's replaced by more good stuff. (((hugs)))
Well bikerbill now I know your not in the Canaries so many thanks for your post to me. I am on my last day at work (working from home today) and as I am allowed to work my own hours sometimes start at 6.00 am or finish at 10.00pm I do more than my contracted hours so dont feel bad when I will finish early today. Then packing my suitcase will make me feel ive started on my holidays. I will be seeking out an internet cafe to log into this site as I really do need this each day and I will be attending my meetings on holiday so again a Big Thank You for Helping me. Im not too proficient at mastering the site information yet. Hope you all have a very Joyous Christmas. :)
Heya Bill -- thanks for the share. I routinely forget "this too shall pass." Just like today: I remembered it after it had passed. Of course, it *had* passed.